Draw close to Jesus

 May the peace of then LORD be with you All .

Don't let the thing in the world take you from God 


The Bible said my brethren in the Lord seek ye first in the kingdom of God and all this thing shall be added unto yo.
Many people today don't have the fear of God in their heart!, and they keep commit  sin the present of God the sooner you accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour into your life, you we see  a tremendous changes around you with deed and  inside and outside

Where you willingly commit your time and getting closer to your heavenly father him too we gradually getting closer to you too .in this world that we are living now is gorved by the evil one and principalities and powers and rulers of this weekend world we are living me and you . that's why God what you to repent and accept That Jesus Christ as your LORD and saviour.there is know any other way to go heavens.

God love you so much
God love is forever 


The love of God is for everlasting and everlasting for those who love him.with Jesus you can have salvation and victory in what ever you laid your on we be proper.
Jesus is the way,and light is there's no any again.that's  why you need to draw close to Jesus and see change shifts in your life and happiness that you we ever experience!
May the Almighty God protect you for every Evil thought in your life, and don't let any evil mind to misleading you not to accept Jesus Christ , you what you we say where you experience those thoughts in your mind just saying Satan get lost you don't have you only fake it.

  For those who God with all their heart we flourish like the river of Lebanon and they can never be moved


The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

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Let those who love God saying is steadfast love endure forever.

Hello my brethren in the LORD Jesus Christ the world is coming to an end very soon, it's now for me and you to tell our brother and sister to repent and accept our LORD Jesus Christ as their LORD and , saviour so that they can see the kingdom of God.


     THANK YOU JESUSDraw to close to Jesus

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