
Showing posts from May 10, 2020

Happy mothers days

Happy mothers days. May the God  Almighty  bless our mother that  raise us up. And again I want to used this medium to thank our beloved  mother for want they done for us.  .followit--follow-form-container[attr-a][attr-b][attr-c][attr-d][attr-e][attr-f] .form-preview { display: flex !important; flex-direction: column !important; justify-content: center !important; margin-top: 30px !important; padding: clamp(17px, 5%, 40px) clamp(17px, 7%, 50px) !important; max-width: none !important; border-radius: 6px !important; box-shadow: 0 5px 25px rgba(34, 60, 47, 0.25) !important; } .followit--follow-form-container[attr-a][attr-b][attr-c][attr-d][attr-e][attr-f] .form-preview, .followit--follow-form-container[attr-a][attr-b][attr-c][attr-d][attr-e][attr-f] .form-preview *{ box-sizing: border-box !important; } .followit--follow-form-container[attr-a][attr-b][attr-c][attr-d][attr-e][attr-f] .form-preview .preview-heading { width: 100% !important; } ...