Happy New year 2021, welcome to your promise land

 Happy New year 2021

Welcome to your promise land 

Happy New year 2021
happy new year 


May this new year brings you good thing In then mighty name of jesus. No matter your condition last year know one of member of your house we never beg for bread again in then mighty name of jesus. 

This is a year of turnaround encounter in our life this year, when you devoted to the word of God regularly your case will never be this again. Studying the word of God will build your spiritual life with God. We are serving a covenant keeping God.How pray for you up and down in end in your life today in then mighty name of jesus christ Amen.

Welcome to your promise land the bible said I will appoint a place for my people  so that no evil come their way again. 

You are welcome to year of are be made that you will make thou name great on this new year then mighty name of jesus 
(Proverbs chapter 28 vs 1  to  2)
Said the wicked do  flee when there is no pursuer, but the righteous are  like a young lion that is confident. 
 because of the transgression of a land many are its  successive Princes but by a discerning man having knowledge of right, the Prince will remain long. Thou shall serve then Lord with all your heart and soul. where you devoted your life to God every other thing we be added unto you serving God paid. May this new year brings joy and joy into your doorstep this year 2021 it shall be your year of turnaround encounter. 


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my brother and sisters in then Lord, the only way for you to have eternal life by giving your life to the Lord jesus and accept him as your Lord and savior so that you might have everlasting life  here, after. Where you are having a great covenant with God nothing  in this world we never hot you again because is a covenant keeping God. 

Once again I wish you a prosperous and happy new year may all your dreams come through in then mighty name of jesus Christ Amen
Happy New year 2021
Happy new year 
My brethren in the Lord, where you in then Lord side know occult power that can will stand you any more. Fear is  a weapon of the devil and never you let the devil fear way you down,  devil only have trick it have know power. The Bible said never you give place for the devil when the devil came to you saying Satan get lost you don't have. Now I pray for you, are cast out the spirit of fear in your life now in then mighty name of jesus 





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