Serving God secure the future

Hello my brethren in the Lord jesus christ 

, Happy glorious Sunday. 

Jesus love you all, today is a great day to celebrate our Lord jesus christ. Serving God is the only way you be free for oppression of the devil.always praise each blessed day of your life because without God we are nothing in this world. 

 . What is serving God offer Serving God and the interest of is Kingdom is secure the features, and seek ye first and is kingdom and any other things we be added to you. 


Where you are serving God truthfully with all your heart and soul paid, everyone serving God enjoys supernatural peace of mind. And those that served then Lord free for all kind of oppression of the devil and it device tantic. 

First all seek  ye the kingdom of God and on those things other are looking for should be added unto you. 

My brother and sisters just begin to serving God all those things you are looking for should be added unto you. 

Serving God and the interests of is Kingdom paid supernatural and secure life, Glory to God hallelujah. Serving God willingly paid where you served as a body is procure a curse in your life. To beset free in life you need to accept jesus christ as your Lord and savior so that everything you do in life shall be prosper. 

Serving God qualify you supernatural, and God loveth a cheerful giver  our serving God most be our engagement in stewardship the love of God is forever and forever. Know one can separate us from the love of God  isn't tribulations, trials my brother and sisters know can separate us from the love of God. 

 Always giving thanks to your heavenly father, pray without season my brethren in the Lord. Accept jesus christ today as your Lord, savior so that everything others are suffering for shall be added unto you. 

                        SUNDAY Serving God secure the future

                            YOU >

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