Accept jesus christ today as your Lord as savior

It's a beautiful and amazing day today. let all the living soul praise the name of our living God. The Alpha and the omega  Because will are alive today by is Grace and mercy in our life. That is why will all need to praise the name of most high God is the giver of life.

There is not that you ask him that you will not get from the most high God through Lord jesus christ. 


If you are not born again. This is the time for you to be.confence your sin to Almighty God it will give you all of your sin. 
That why we need to seek the face of God now my dear brother and sisters in christ jesus. 

God said ask anything in my name that I will grant it to you. And it said nock you will find, seek you will find jesus love you it what the best for you. Jesus die for our sin so that will might have Everlasting life to living it carries on our sin. And carry on our disease so that will might have free life to live. 

The Bible said that what shall it profit a man to loose is soul and gain the things in the world. My dear brethren in christ everything in the world is vanity upon vaniy. the only true way to accept the Lord jesus christ as your Lord and savior that is the only way you might have Everlasting life to live. 

As you read and Share this word to your love one may you remain ever bless.
                  JESUS LOVE YOU. Accept jesus christ today as your Lord as savior


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