
Showing posts from August, 2021

Jesus is the only light of the world

Happy new month may this new brings us  />Breakthrough in this month of August  /> Thank you heavenly father for another new month, will worship your name forever for your protection in our life, for the shelter you are rendered to us we are forever  the  grateful.  /> Lord am always grateful to you for unconditional love that you shower upon my life . I pray for you today may the Lord  guide you  and protect your going out and coming in there might name.almighty God  Happy new month < /> />By following God everything will turn around for you for good . Let me tell you today my brethren in the lord jesus . Jesus love you so much in laid is life for you and me so that we mighty have everlasting to life forever, it token our skiness and diseases and pain so that we might live forever and forever.  /> />   jesus is the only way and the light without him know man enter the kingdom of God.As you continue to praise God, more and your faith will ke